Alex Hotel | Space Agency + Arent & Pyke

Alex Hotel is located in Australia.

It was designed by Space Agency +  Arent & Pyke.


Description by Arent & Pyke:

Alex Hotel responds to the overarching concept of the ‘Hotel as Home’. Together with the client, four key concepts were established for the interior design; ‘the personal’, ‘the escape’, ‘the craft’ and ‘the legacy’, to nurture a sense of intimacy, connectedness and domesticity. With the client, there was always a discussion about ‘Alex’ being someone familliar to us all; an uncle whose home you love to visit, a treasured old friend with a house full of wonderment. The interior design, furnishing and styling imagines the richness, the personality, a sense of frivolity and the layering of a story.

Design Office  : Space Agency,  Arent & Pyke
Location           : Australia
Photographs   : Anson Smart